Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Born for a Battle

Hi friends!  Can you believe it's been 2 months since I've blogged?!  I wrote about the big changes coming here but since that site is still not quite done I want to write this post to share a bit about what's going on with me.  

In November I completed my Revelation Wellness Instructor training and the day before I went on that retreat my husband and I completed a Spartan Beast.  Both of these things were defining moments for me because God did things in me spiritually and physically that I didn't even know were possible. 
(pic of me & Matt at the end of the Spartan Beast)

The last few weeks I've been battling with feeling defeated in all that I'm doing. I'm not real sure why but I just have been in a battle for my mind and the things God has called me to.  As I ran tonight I felt the Lord remind me of our Revelation Wellness theme for the month "born for a battle".  He reminded me that we are in a battle and battle can get ugly sometimes.  As I ran I felt Him download these core truths about being in a battle and I felt someone else could use this encouragement too:


The truth is that we were all born for a battle of some kind.  If you are a believer in Christ than your battle is the Lord's.  We are all in the Lord's army.  However, we all play a different part in that army.  We all have one goal but we will all be called to different areas in order to see God's battle plan come into action.  So my question for you today is: WHAT is the battle for which you were born?  


Now that we've established that we are ALL born for a battle we must answer the question: WHY is this my battle?  The battle in which I am called is two fold: one for marriage because I'm sick of seeing God's people ripped off of the beauty that God intended for marriage. And two, for our body, God's temple. I long to see people set free and God's temples restored.  When we answer this WHY we are receiving our call to action from God. This WHY is what drives us when we just want to quit.

(Side note: I wrote this article a few years ago called What is your Why? that has been my most viewed and shared blog post. I think many people are looking for the answer to this question :) )


Any good soldier knows there is a time to enter into battle, a time to study your enemy, a time to make your game plan and a time to rest. If we are going to enter battle we must WAIT on God's timing. If we run off ahead of Him we will get slaughtered every time.  The battle belongs to the Lord but we will only win if we get our marching orders from Him.


Because battle is intense it is important to know that you have backup support from other troops.  Who are you surrounding yourself that is for you?  Who's got your back in prayer and encouragement?  This is an area that I long to see the church rise up in and cheer one another on. We must stop competing and comparing and start completing one another. Take a minute today to ask God who He is bringing along side you to fight(like He did for David) and who He is asking you to come along side and cheer on.  A simple text or phone call to someone might be the momentum they need to keep fighting their battle.  

What is the battle for which you were born?  I would love to hear about it and know how we can support you. 

A few more fun pictures from our Spartan Beast:
Finish line!

Dunk wall

Wouldn't be a Spartan without some barbwire :)
Sandbag carry up & down a steep hill

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Truth about Teachers

If you have been following my blog for long you might remember my post I made last year on homeschooling our kids.  Last night I felt God ask me to share some things I've observed now that I have a semester under my belt. I shared my thoughts on Facebook and it spoke to so many people that I felt I should share it here for the people who are not connected to me personally on Facebook.  

Here are 4 of the few things I have learned in our homeschool experience:

1. Public school teachers don't get near enough credit and praise. I'm only teaching 2 and i'm exhausted and frustrated at times. Hats off to the teachers with 20 plus students.

2. Don't be quick to judge. Just like you will never fully understand the blood, sweat and tears that goes in to being a business owner if you have never owned a business, you won't understand the work that goes in to being a teacher. They do and endure way more than we will ever know.

3. Things aren't always what they seem. I now know how teachers feel when someone ask what they learned in school today and child says "nothing".  
4. The grass is always greener. Old saying but still so true. No matter where you are in schooling your kids, or at work or in marriage...if we don't take control of our thoughts we will let our mind wander to other options that just look so glorious. Every pasture has poop to step over. If it doesn't it means no life is there. So water your own pasture and watch it bloom.

Next time you see a teacher or a mom trying to keep their head above the water stop and give them a high five and tell them they are doing a great job.

Don't you love how God uses our personal struggles to encourage others?  Ask God how you encourage someone today who might be walking through a similar struggle.  

Thursday, January 7, 2016

52 Scriptures Every Believer Should Know {Book Review/Giveaway}

Every year seems to come with resolutions to do more of certain things(like read the Bible and exercise) and less of other things(like overindulge on sweets).  This year I felt strongly that I am supposed to focus on what we can do rather than what we shouldn't do.  In fact, I believe this is the foundation for the freedom I have found in many areas of my life.  

For example, when someone starts a new diet(which means a way of life) they often focus on all the things they will need to restrict.  When we focus simply on the things we need to restrict we fail to indulge on the things that our body needs(like water, vegetables, fruits, and rest).  I believe if we fill up with good things than we don't miss the things we don't need to be consuming(like sweets and other junk food).

The same is true spiritually.  While it can be good to fast things like social media and TV it can't be done without fueling our self with things that give life, like God's word.  Over the last year I have been very intentional about reading God's word and I have noticed a big difference in my appetite for the things of this world like social media and TV(to name a few).  

Because I recognize the importance of God's word in my own life I am passionate about passing it on to my kids.  I was beyond thrilled to discover a new book set from Tommy Nelson Publishers called "The Joshua Code".  What's unique about this set is that it has a book for the parents and one for the kids but each weeks topic stays the same so you are studying the same verses at the same time.  How cool is that?!  Each book contains 52 scriptures every believer/kid should know.  Every week has a new scripture and devotional. 

The first thing that jumped out to me in the Joshua Code for kids book in was a quote in the foreword that said "If you give your child one thing by the age of five, let it be a big faith in God".  Wow, isn't that the truth?  

Another thing I love about the kids book is the plan for you to follow Monday through Sunday to help your kids memorize that weeks' scripture.  The stories are engaging and strike up great conversations between me and my kids.  

Would you like a FREE copy of this set of books?  Simply comment below and let us know if your family has a family Bible verse.  And if so, what is it?  

I am a member of the Tommy Nelson Mommies for Thomas Nelson, Inc. As a member of this group, I receive products for my use and to review at no charge to me. I receive no monetary compensation for my participation. All opinions are my own.